We both are radiologists, Sheel and Kajal. We had a dream. Dream to travel. But when life came across, the plan was getting a little foggy. Let’s finish graduation first. Then let’s finish post-graduation. After that, let’s get married, let’s settle down.
After settling down for a year and a half, came kids. We thought to let them be a little bigger, then we will travel frequently. Sheel loves to travel and travel planning. But the idea of roaming in every nook and corner of the world was still not evolving. During those days, our travel was limited to seven to ten days of trips during Diwali vacation.
And then suddenly he decided that enough is enough, now we will take three vacations per year. And that was the resolution of the year 2020!!! But the universe has other plans for all of us.
During those pandemic times, among all chaos and all negativity, we started something new…Explore the wild… Find the less explored places… Pack a few necessities of the day and just take off every Sunday morning and sometimes evening too…By travel, it does not mean you have to get on a train or board a flight; it can be in the vicinity of your city or miles away on another continent.
What was the motive?
To get fresh air…
To find a quiet place…
To spend alone time with kids…
But with all these, the most important is to get peace, positivity, calm, patience, and recharge ourselves to start the coming week afresh!
One Sunday, as we were walking in the jungle, where we came across a few houses on the road with few ever encouraging and ever helping people, Sheel told me that we should write something about these places. So many beautiful places are there so near to our city, and we didn’t know them until now. The purpose is to help people like us who want to do such excursions but don’t know where to start…
It’s not that these places are isolated, and we get these ideas from Google and YouTube only. And sometimes we just open Google Earth and look for trails…but as we always go with kids, our main aim is safety.
We have started this journey in September 2020. We are looking forward to continuing and sharing it with you all. So here is a blog of ‘Our Safar’ in the wilderness with our kids…Jump in this wanderlust with us…We are managing these mainly during the weekend, which all of you can do…its just that we need a motive of digital detox.
I don’t know how this website will shape up and whether it will help you or not. With so many blogs and vlogs, this will be like a drop in the ocean…but then I remember :
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop- Mother Teresa
May you travel more and more.
May you become close to Mother nature more and more
May you never have to worry about an empty fuel tank (we always do)
May you get good tea stalls on the roads with perfect adrak tea
May you get to see all beautiful sunrises and mesmerizing sunsets
May you soak in the rain while climbing hills
May you stand under a fall and get lost in the feeling of water
May you don’t fight with your companion over the music list
May you get delicious munching chips and cookies
But above all these
May you get a chance to heal yourself
May you get all serenity
All tranquility
All positivity.
With Love
So here we are welcoming you all. These all might not be fancy places or luxury resorts. But we enjoyed these all places with our kids and they were overjoyed each and every time.
Hope you all also take sometime from quotidian life and digital world and detox yourself in the world that was made for us by the universe…